Why Should Health And Fitness Be Apart of Someone’s Life ? How to Live a Healthy Life by Changing Your Habits

February 11, 2022


A healthy lifestyle is undoubtedly the greatest desire of all of us. After all, without health, life radically changes its meaning. The best way to feel happy, energetic, and healthy in the future is to live a happy, energetic and healthy life in the present. The benefits and pleasures you get are both short-term and long-term. 

 We are moving more and more in the direction that people finally realize that being healthy is much more than just not being sick. 

 We cannot allow life to pass through us without living it with the energy and stimulation that gives us happiness. We must make our lives more attractive and stimulating by taking a firm and positive attitude towards life. 

 Many times we have been unable to stop the journey of life. Despite this fact, life is also a product of our attitudes and actions. So we are the result of experience. 

Why Should Health And Fitness Be Apart of Someone’s Life - How to Live a Healthy Life by Changing Your Habits

 How To Live A Healthy Life By Changing Your Habits?

 "What needs to be done to be healthy", "how to start a healthy life", or "how to have a healthy and happy life", are questions that people often ask themselves.


 Debrucemo, First, On The Question: 

 what does it mean to be healthy? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is "physical, mental and social wellbeing, rather than the mere absence of disease. ". 

In other words, being healthy is not only the absence of illness but essentially the physical and mental wellbeing of the individual. It is no coincidence that the WHO defines health in this way, giving the word a much broader meaning than just the simple antonyms of disease. 

 Although health appears, of course, to be associated with the word medicine, it goes far beyond the meaning that, many times, common sense attributes to it, associating it only, normally, to curative medicine. 

Medicine is, however, much more than that, as its major concern is disease prevention. 

 People`s lifestyles, poor diet, stress, among other factors, have contributed greatly to exacerbating the problems. For example, there are diabetes, high blood pressure, and diseases closely related to the habits of modern people. 

 Many of the problems that modern medicine helps to solve can easily be avoided by following some guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. 

 Changes in habits and behavior are necessary and urgent. It does not mean that we have to follow all the rules of a healthy life literally. As if it was a plan that made people hard, painful, and strenuous. 

Life should be intense and enjoyable. Therefore, we should not become simply prisoners of healthy but painful and restrictive attitudes/behaviors. 

 Life is made up of choices. Take your awareness, find the balance between the pros and cons of your personal tastes, towards a healthier life, and not forget that ultimately it is your quality of life that you want to improve. 

 We talk about changing attitudes that stimulate us and lead us to happiness, and in this way improve our health condition. It is not always possible, it is true, but in the vast majority of cases, it is perfectly feasible. 

 As an example, imagine a simple walk in nature or enjoy your favorite piece of fruit. These are two simple examples of when it is very possible to enjoy life while improving your health. 

 Nutrition And Physical Exercise 

 A healthy lifestyle is also in our hands. Let's not judge that if we can consume excess sugar on a daily basis and one day we will get diabetes, it will just be a matter of fate and bad luck. We can't judge people who get a lot of stress every day, and we won't pay a stubbornly high price for it. 

Let's not assume that we smoke for years and that breathing problems can accumulate and reduce the quality of life. 

 Our attitudes make us think sooner or later about our health. 

 Obviously, our attitude to life is a determining factor in making it healthier. Think of life as positive and feel good about yourself before any action. 

 At least two important things to keep in mind. First of all, nutrition. A good diet can do more for your health than you think. Nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are inseparable concepts. 

 Second, exercise. Because this is done correctly, it can significantly improve your health and well-being, contributing to a better quality of life.  Think of 

 workouts as positive and relaxing, not hard and “must-do”. Find out which is the activity you like the most and perceive the benefits that it can provide. 

 Change only these two factors and discover a healthier life. 

 If you intend to delve deeper into these and other topics, we encourage you to read our blog articles related to nutrition and the benefits of physical exercise. 

 Quality of life 

 How many of us already feel the discomfort caused by a simple backache. Or you felt the discomfort caused by repeated infections, often caused by the weakening of our immune system. 

 Many examples we could point out, however, we are all aware that illness or discomfort drastically diminishes our quality of life. 

 Today we live in an era where time has come to dictate the rules. The lack of time leads people to live in a constant race against this precious commodity. 

 We don't have time to eat well, we don't have time for physical exercise, we don't have time to talk to people, we don't have time for many things that are considered essential in our lives. These behaviours, unfortunately, generate a variety of problems, with serious consequences for our health and well-being. 

 With these problems, people's health has greatly deteriorated on the one hand and their quality of life greatly deteriorates on the other hand. 

 In short, we would say that it is impossible to have a good quality of life without healthy habits. 

 Healthy Longevity 

 Just a few decades ago, life expectancy was significantly lower. 

 With improvements in living conditions and advances in medicine, it has gradually increased. Still, it is, because we all want to live better and longer.

The current goal is not just to live longer. It is to have lasting health, that is, to lead an active, healthy, happy, and goal-oriented life. However, living longer is not synonymous with living better. 

The increase in life expectancy often comes at the expense of more or less sophisticated treatments that, despite their effectiveness, greatly damage people's quality of life. We should not only want to live more but to live better.

Longevity is also in our hands. We believe, evasively, that we must focus our attention on the maintenance of a healthy condition, taking for granted that our attitudes in the present will have a profound impact on our future health.

If you want to live healthier and longer, start taking measures in this direction, that is, measures that are firm, healthy, and at the same time contribute to your current well-being.

Benefits Of A Healthy Life

The benefits of healthy living are countless for people. It will not, therefore, be necessary to describe them with an extractor, since we all know what is gratifying to feel healthy or, on the contrary, what is painful is to feel sick.

However, the benefits of healthy living don't stop there. Health care costs are increasingly inconvenient for people, either directly or indirectly through their taxes that are channeled to the Public Health Service.

There are studies that clearly show that for every dollar invested in prevention, we can have a significant return on savings with curative health treatments.

In other words, the priority of investment should be channeled to disease prevention. On the other hand, the social and economic costs caused by illness, such as absenteeism from work, are very significant, with increasing expenditure on social protection.

Health & Wellness

It is indisputable that there is today a great interest in curative health, where medicine has evolved, extraordinarily, in recent years. As we have seen, these advances in medicine have undoubtedly brought people a longer life expectancy and a better quality of life.

In the absence of health, our whole life is reduced and we cannot, therefore, live it and taste it in its fullness.

We must therefore reflect on our future because our quality of life will also reflect the way we live today.

Therefore, a new paradigm must emerge, in which the promotion of health and firmer attitudes on the part of people to prevent disease, with enormous benefits for their health, improving their quality of life and well-being. 

In short, it is intended that each one of us should develop a healthier lifestyle in which health comes first.

For all these reasons, we believe, evasively, that the commitment to the prevention of disease, the promotion of health and well-being, are of paramount importance.

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