What is Cystic acne? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Cystic Acne

February 10, 2022


The most severe form of acne vulgaris is cystic acne (also known as nodulocystic acne). It produces deep, aggressive breakouts on your face and/or other areas of your body, as well as scarring. The blemishes themselves can grow to be quite enormous, measuring several centimeters across.

What is Cystic acne? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is a type of inflammatory acne that results in the formation of painful, pus-filled pimples deep beneath the skin. Acne develops when oil and dead skin cells clog pores on the skin. Bacteria enter the pores of cystic acne patients, causing swelling or inflammation. The most severe kind of acne is cystic acne.

Although the term "cystic" is commonly used to describe any sort of very inflammatory acne, only those who develop acne cysts have cystic acne.

Acne cysts are the most serious type of acne. They feel like soft, liquid-filled masses beneath the surface of the skin. Acne cysts are painful. 

People with cystic acne nodosa develop acne nodules as well as acne cysts. Acne nodules are hard, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin. Much larger than acne papules, nodules form deep within the skin and take a long time to heal. 


 Some skincare experts believe acne cysts are not really cysts at all, but rather severely inflamed nodular breakouts. For those who have nodules, but do not have cystic lesions, the term nodular acne is more accurate. 

  No matter what label you use, home treatments are unlikely to help—you need a dermatologist to treat acne of this severity. Talk to your primary care provider to get a referral to someone who can help.  

This article describes the causes and treatment of common conditions that occur in adolescents and children during puberty. The disease can be dangerous if not properly treated. 

 Acne is a common human disease that mainly affects children during adolescence. The disease is characterized by the development of various nodules on the skin, in particular seborrhea, comedones, papules, and pustules. 


 In some cases, scarring may occur. These nodules can develop on several parts of the body, including the chest, the back, but mainly in the face, both inflammatory and noninflammatory forms.

 The untreated disease often continues during adulthood, but it can also diminish over time. Therefore, it is not possible to predict how long one's acne will last, even with appropriate treatment. 

  Acne is caused by an increase in testosterone. It is the result of a blockage in body follicles. But in general, other factors may also be involved. 

It can also be a result of your menstrual cycle. Taking too many steroids, especially anabolic, can also cause cystic acne. Gin is also involved in the development of some acne symptoms. 

 It has been established that the tendency to develop this disease can be passed down from generation to generation in families. 

This disease can also be caused by increased stress levels. The relationship between acne and stress is controversial, but recent research shows that overwork is more likely to develop acne nodules.

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