What Are the Signs of Impotence in a Man? What Causes Erectile Dysfunction

February 18, 2022

 When your fertility starts to decline for some reason, we call it male impotence. Male impotence can affect men of any age, but it is more common in older men. Male impotence affects both your physical and mental health, it also affects your married life badly. 


What Are the Signs of Impotence in a Man?  What Causes Erectile Dysfunction
What Are the Signs of Impotence in a Man?  What Causes Erectile Dysfunction

There are many causes and types of male impotence, if the root cause is known then it can be treated. Let us know about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of male impotence: -

Symptoms of Male Impotence

  • You can see the following symptoms in male impotence, such as: -
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Lack of confidence
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Feeling nervous before sex.
  • Premature ejaculation (short discharge)
  • Failure to obtain or retain the penis.
  • Men feel less and less hard.

Types of Male Impotence

The problem of male impotence can be of many types such as 

1. The Penis:

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a person is unable to stand up or stand for long periods of time during intercourse. Penis impotence is also called impotence, this problem can affect men of any age but it usually starts after the age of 45 to 50 years. Problems with the penis or impotence can be caused by a mental or physical illness.

2. Premature Ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem in men in which semen comes out very quickly during intercourse. As a result, you may not be able to satisfy your partner and this may have a negative effect on your life.

 Almost every man faces this problem at some point in his life. The exact cause of premature ejaculation is not yet known, but many doctors believe it may be due to mental illnesses such as stress and depression and the side effects of certain medications.

3. Low Libido:

Often, with advancing age, sexual desire decreases, but this problem is also affecting young people, mainly due to today's busy life and stress, in addition to testosterone hormone deficiency, addiction, and depression. Problems like this may be the root cause.

Due to Male Impotence

There are many physical and mental causes of male impotence such as -

1. Due to lack of testosterone hormone

2. Due to medicines for blood pressure or depression

3. The cause of blood vessel diseases

From 4. Due to nerve weakness

5. Due to the use of cigarettes and alcohol

6. The cause of stress and depression

7. Work to cause trouble

8. The reason for the tension in the relationship

9. In addition, diseases such as prostate disease, diabetes, heart disease can be many other causes of male impotence.

Male Impotence Test

Your blood tests and physical tests are done to check for male impotence.

• Blood test: - With the help of a blood test, your testosterone hormone level is found and your blood sugar and cholesterol are also checked.

• Physical test: - Physical test examines your prostate gland, penis, and testicles.

• Tests Other tests: - In addition, other tests can be done to check the presence of blood in your penis.

In addition to these tests, your doctor may ask you a variety of questions, which you must answer correctly. To treat male impotence, you can see a sex therapist or urologist.

Treatment of Human Weakness

Your masculine weakness can be overcome by removing your physical and mental worries. Which includes the following types of treatments: -

1. Medications: 

 You are given some kind of medicine for the treatment of male impotence, due to which the blood flow in your penis increases, and there is tension and stiffness in your penis. These drugs include tablets such as Manforce and Viagra.

2. Hormone Therapy: 

 Many times, due to the deficiency of a hormone called testosterone in your body, you start having male impotence, you can be given hormone therapy to make up for the deficiency of this testosterone hormone, which Your doctor will give you the hormone testosterone by injection, in a patch, or as a gel.

3. Psychotherapy: 

Many patients with male impotence do not have any physical illness, but they face mental problems like stress and depression. Can help with therapy.

4. Mechanical Devices: 

 Mechanical devices are devices that are installed in the human sense. Mechanical instruments are used to control the problem of the penis.

Can Male Impotence Be Prevented?

There are many habits you can bring into your life. As we know that the main cause of male weakness is physical and mental problems, so if you keep your body healthy then you can avoid male weakness to a great extent.

 To keep your body healthy you can take care of the following things

  •  Eat at the right time and don't lick spices outside.

  • Include green vegetables and fruits in your diet.

  •  Don't use overly fried foods.

  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

  • Exercise daily, also include exercises that improve your heart and your blood circulation, such as cardio exercise.

  •  Meditate for a while every day, which will reduce your stress.

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