15 Makeup Mistakes You May Be Making Every Day - Health Wellness Line

January 31, 2022

 When it comes to makeup and beauty, the mistakes you make can really affect your appearance. Remember, the first impressions mean everything. Therefore, it is very important to make yourself look good, or beautiful before you leave your house. 

There are a number of mistakes we keep making, even though we have no idea we are doing everything wrong. Like, having one brush that works for all your cosmetic needs. Too much copper, the wrong foundation, and the wrong combination of makeup. 

Everyone is guilty of this too, so to save you from the embarrassment of walking around looking like a clown, below are 15 mistakes you may be making too, how to fix them.

What are the most common makeup mistakes?

1. Applying Makeup On Dry Skin

This is one of the most common mistakes. Applying makeup on dry skin can affect your face, causing dryness and rashes. You can prevent dryness and loosening by removing your skin once a week or, alternatively, such as moisturising and cleansing, to remove dead skin cells.

 If your face is already wet, you can go ahead and apply your makeup. The results will be amazing. Never, ever, apply makeup on a dry face without moisturising first.

2. Wrong Foundation

This is a terrible mistake. We often forget that the foundation comes in a variety of shades. We have all been there when we chose the wrong foundation that doesn’t fit our face. To make sure you don't end up looking like a clown, make sure you choose the right foundation. 

Go to the store where they sell beauty products and look for two different shades that are close to your skin tone; then change the foundation next to the jawline to see which base fits your skin.

3. Excessive Use of Bronzer

Excessive bronzer is also one of the worst mistakes you can make. Bronzer only adds warmth to your yard. Too much bronzer makes you look muddy or burnt, so you don’t want to look like someone who has just swum in the mud. 

You only wear Bronzer in areas where the sun hits you; areas such as the forehead and nose. Do not forget to put it on the neck too.

4. Dirty Makeup Brushes

We are all to blame for this neglect. Many women make this mistake when applying makeup, using dirty sponges and brushes. Dirty brushes and sponges lead to explosions. 

When you apply makeup using the same brush an uneven makeup process occurs. To make sure your brushes and sponges are clean and free of germs, wash them with mild shampoo and warm water at least once a week.

5. Using Too Much Makeup

This saying is cliché but very important: "little is more." Why is this? That's because a lot of makeup can make you look very old. The only time you have to apply a lot of makeup is if you have strong acne so, instead, avoid laying too much foundation. Instead, use a single coat of concealer and foundation, to cover small spots.

6. Buying Makeup Without Testing

You're in a hurry to get home so you walk past the store, pick up your makeup, and leave. This is not a good idea. Remember how you try on your clothes before buying? The same thing applies to makeup.

You should check your makeup because they are important. When cosmetics come in contact with air they change color and texture due to oxidation.

7. Checking Makeup In The Wrong Places

You're probably doing this right now and this is also wrong. We usually check the foundation and lipstick on the back of our hands but, this will not give accurate results. 

To find out if the foundation is the right shade for you, put it on your jaw. For lipstick, you can apply it to your lips or fingers.

8. Not Using Primer

The important category is ignored. This is a very important step in the application of cosmetics because the primer ensures that the makeup is smooth and helps the makeup to last longer without drying out.

9. Adherence To A Single Product

We all have that cosmetic product that we love so much that we can live without using it. This practice is very dangerous because you probably miss out on trying different and new products.

10. Applying The Powder To The Wrong Places

Sometimes we make powder all over the face and that is not necessary. The best way to use a powder is to apply it to your face on areas that are often oily. Apply a large powder brush to the powder and remove excess; then rub gently on your face.

11. Use The Same Product All Year Round

We often forget that, as the season's change, so does the skin. So, what worked for last season may not work this season. A foundation that worked well for you in the summer may be very dry on your skin in the winter. It is recommended that you change your make-up product according to the season.

12. Using The Wrong Shade of Blush

This error is widespread. When using blush, you should go for a shade that matches your natural glow. If you are wearing a bright lip color, make sure the blush is a light shade.

13. Do Not Wear Eyeliner According To Your Eye Condition

Avoid making this mistake. Remember that eyeliner placement is just as important as color. You need to be careful of the shape of your eye. If you have your eyes closed, the thick part of the line should be in the outer corner of the eye as this will make the eye look bigger.

14. Excessive Eyebrows

To get perfect eyebrows, avoid overcrowding. Because if you overfill, or use too dark a shade to fill the eyebrows, then they will look very heavy and strong. Perfect eyebrows give your face that amazing look.

15. Using A Light Source

There is a myth that if you want a mask you should choose a shade or two that is lighter than your skin. This is wrong and is a big mistake. You should apply a concealer that matches your skin tone.

If you remember all of the above, you will probably look perfect by avoiding all of the above mistakes. The above article will be helpful in this regard.

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